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Neechabhanga Raj Yoga

The term Neechabhanga indicates cancellation of debilitation. This composite word is a combination of two sanskrit words – neecha, meaning "debilitated", and bhanga, meaning "annulled".

The debilitation of a planet gets cancelled if its dipositor or the lord of its sign of exaltation occupies a kendra from the lagna or the Moon or if it is aspected by either its dispositor or its exaltation lord or it exchanges sign with its dipositor or if it is aspected by another planet in debilitation.

The Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu become debilitated in Libra, Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, Virgo, Aries, Scorpio, and Taurus signs respectively. A neecha planet is too weak to produce good results signified by it. If a planet is neecha (in debilitation) it gives malefic results. Neecha planets, because of their inherent weakness, give adverse results during the course of their dashas, only when their neechbhanga occurs that their debilitation simultaneously giving rise to a benefic situation gives good results.

Neechabhanga Raja yoga improves the significance of the neecha graha i.e. planet which is in debilitation. Generally coming into operation after the age of thirty-six years Neechbanga Raja yoga indicates cancellation of debilitation of a debilitated planet which then does not tend to produce adverse results during the course of its own dasha but produces exceptionally good results.

The Neechabhanga Raja yoga occurs when the dispositor and the lord of exaltation sign of planet in debilitation, both, happen to occupy a kendra from lagna or the Moon or both are in mutual kendras in the kendras from the lagna or the Moon. Thus, causation of this yoga is attributed to these two lords i.e. the dispositor or the lord of the sign of debilitation of the planet in debilitation and the lord of the sign of exaltation of the planet in debilitation. The primary role of this yoga is to counterbalance the neecha i.e. debilitation, results and not to confer kingship etc., to the native.

The planet in debilitation if found occupying its exaltation navamsa is also deemed to have attained Neechbhanga status but a study has revealed that in most cases of Neechabhanga neither Raja yoga results nor favourable results had accrued.

If the debilitated planet gaining neechbhanga is in the 6th, the 8th or in the 12th it would not be a strong Raja yoga, only in good houses there will be strong Raja yoga. Cancelled debility does not become equal to exaltation, neechabhanga simply removes debility, results produced by a debilitated planet whose dispositor is also debilitated will be the worst possible.

Combination for Neechabhanga :-

  • If the lord of the house occupied by a debilitated planet is in a kendra or in a trikona from the Lagna or the Chandra-lagna.

  • If the planet that gets exalted in the sign where a planet is debilitated is in a kendra from the Lagna or the Chandra-lagna, or

  • If a planet is debilitated and is aspected by its exaltation lord.

  • If the lord of the exaltation house of the debilitated planet is in a kendra from the Lagna or the Chandra-lagna.

  • The debilitated planet is exalted in the navamsa.

  • If a debilitated planet is aspected by another debilitated planet or by its own dispositor.

  • The lord of the navamsa occupied by the debilitated planet is in a kendra or a trikona from the Lagna which rises in a movable sign or the lord of the Lagna is in a movable sign.

  • If the lord of the sign that gets exalted in the sign occupied by the debilitated planet is in a trikona from the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet. or

  • If the lords of the debilitation and exaltation houses of the debilitated planet are in mutual kendras or in trikonas from the Lagna or the Chandra-lagna. Raja yoga occurs only if the debilitated planet owning a benefic bhava occupies a kendra in a benefic and friendly sign otherwise its debility is removed and regains its strength.

Neechabhanga Yoga is a very powerful Yoga which occurs even if a native has debilitated planets in his/her astrological chart and produces wonderful results beyond one’s expectation and gives prosperity, wealth, political power, name and fame during the periods and sub periods of related planets.

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